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  • [Book review] Reconstruction of cultural exchanges between Korea and China through association copies from the Fujitsuka Chikashi Colletion
  • 1870      

Book Title: Cultural Exchanges between Korean and Chinese Literati in the 18th Centuries Author: Jung Min (Professor at Hanyang University) Publisher: Munhakdongne (May 2014)

Reconstruction of cultural exchanges between Korea and China through association copies from the Fujitsuka Chikashi Colletion of the Harvard-Yenching Library


Despite such theme cultural exchanges between Korean and Chinese literati in the late 18th century has already been frequently examined, Jung min, who went to the Harvard-Yenching Library as a visiting scholar, writes his book in a rather compelling way. The subject of this book is a former professor of philosophy at Keijō Imperial University (current Seoul National University), Fujitsuka Chikashi, whose association copies are in collections of the library.       


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